Friday, April 29, 2011


Andy, the dog, has died. But he's in a better place. I know he's running and maybe playing fetch with Jesus? Anyway, I know I'll see him again and I hope you will too. We have a lot to look forward too in Heaven don't we? The book of Revelations describes it quite clearly, and I can tell you, it will be amazing! Wouldn't it be just such a miracle to just see Heaven? If you could just visit and not worry, not to be sad, just to be purely happy? Purely content? If your having trouble believing Heaven, read this:

You don't just ask any four year old about Heaven and him to practically recite what Revelations says about Heaven. The book really is amazing. I encourage you to read it.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Test Of Faith

We are tested everyday for our faith in God. There are manay different types of tests. For example, standing up for God, having couarge to share the word, or leaving things in God's hands. Lately, it seems as though I've been having to do that more than ever. The first thing I'll mention later. But right now my Mom's dog that lives with my grandparents is really sick. He can't move. He can't see. He won't even drink water. The dog is almost twice my age, (In human years, yes) and I really want the vet to heal him. But I can't do anything. We often don't want toleave things in God's hands, we feel we can "do something" if we take over the situation. But God can do most. I encourage you to leave things in God's hands. And please pray for Andy, the dog.
