Saturday, March 5, 2011

How to ask, "Do You Go To Church?"

    Have you ever wondered how to ask, "Do you go to church?"? I think I found an easy reliable way to. Simply ask, "What church do you go to?" if they tell you, it will save the embarresment if you asked, "Do you go to church?" and if they said no, try listing the features about your church, and talk about an upcoming event. Unless you know the person, you should not ask them to come with you. We should tell people about Jesus, but we still need to be careful. Try this method today and see how great you will feel. God is with you!

    Please finish this post by praying for the people on the right. Every Christan is a missionary, and every missionary has a mission, but are we doing are mission?-Savannah ******

  By praying you are.


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