Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Don't People Get it?

  Doesn't just puzzle you why people don't get Christianity? I mean, just watch a two minute interview about the kid from "Heaven Is For Real". How did he know all that stuff? HE WENT TO JESUS CHRIST'S PARADISE!!!!!!! It make you angry when you think about it. How long will we have to wait? How long did God have to wait for you though? Even if you accepted Christ at 5, God knew you when time began. Before even. Don't get angry, be patient.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Glorify God In All You Do

It's me again, Savannah.

  You know how we should glorify God in all we do? Well, we should. And everyone, I'm sure, can think of how to do that in everything. But obviously we don't! If you paint, you should paint for God, etc. I'm writing a book, and it doesn't glorify God! Deciding to glorify God can be much harder than actually doing it. Let's take a challenge. Try to glorify God for a day. See how it turns out. Then put that picture on your website. The words say iBelieve, Peace, Love, and faith.

                              Take the challenge!


Do YOU glorify him? Or YOURSELF?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


   Every Tuesday, I am going to ask a question. It will be called a Why? question. I will also put this picture up. The shape is a person, because human nature always wants to know more. The question could use an answer, but most of the time they can never be answered till heavon comes. They are more to ponder on.

 So here is the question of the week.

                                    God knew we were going to sin, so why did he allow it?

 Ponder on this. Some people may say, "Because he gave us the freedom of choice!" of course, he did. We could still have freedom of choice if God stopped Satan before he got to Eve? Right?

                                                               Ponder. Pray.

        Maybe God will give you the answer.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

God Will Never Betray You

  You've heard it, and you'll hear it again. God will never betray you! Every once in a while, we feel like he has. Even Jesus did once! When he was on the cross he said, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" But.He.Never.Did. God will never let Satan win you. It's like any old cartoon, the villain tries to defeat the hero, by capturing some citizen, but he never wins! Think of the villian as Satan, the hero as God, and the citizen as you. God will never betray you. You can betray yourself! It's true. It's not God's fault. It's you own.


Picture of me.....sorry I am getting off topic. I'm human for goodness sake!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Talent Show

Well, next month I am going to try out for a talent show. At first I wanted to sing "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" by Lelsie Gore, but unless you are Leslie Gore, that song is very hard to sing. So when I become famous, I'll just get some auto tune and sing it. :) Anyway, I decided to sing a very short song me and my cousin wrote,"Divine Being". It's a Christan song, and I think it's pretty. There's no music, so I might sing accepla. (Did I spell that right?)Please pray for the peopel on the right.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

How to ask, "Do You Go To Church?"

    Have you ever wondered how to ask, "Do you go to church?"? I think I found an easy reliable way to. Simply ask, "What church do you go to?" if they tell you, it will save the embarresment if you asked, "Do you go to church?" and if they said no, try listing the features about your church, and talk about an upcoming event. Unless you know the person, you should not ask them to come with you. We should tell people about Jesus, but we still need to be careful. Try this method today and see how great you will feel. God is with you!

    Please finish this post by praying for the people on the right. Every Christan is a missionary, and every missionary has a mission, but are we doing are mission?-Savannah ******

  By praying you are.


Friday, March 4, 2011

So What Goes Into Being A Jesus Freak?

 Well, a lot. And it's not easy. Everyone says that. But they don't tell you what. Well sometimes the best answers don't come from people. They can come from books. Try reading "Jesus Freaks, Voice Of Mayters". Of course, you may not be killed for believing in Christ. You can get hurt in so many ways. You will in fact at times feel like God has forsaken you. But he hasn't. He's right there, watching over you.

 It often depends at what time period and what country your in to determine what will happen to Jesus Freaks. In Revalations, terrible things will happen to Christens everywhere. It is a very interesting book to study.

   I think it's very interesting how a whole world war was made for what the German's were doing to the Jews. Yet right now, in a country, (I forgot it's name) the same thing is happening to Christans. Any World Wars? Please pray for them, pray for the Christans in prison, and you can even write a letter to them.All Christans are missionarys. But are we doing our mission? A lot are not! But it's not too late! It's not too early! Stop reading this right now, and pray for every person, every country, pray for the world. Do your mission!

   Become a Jesus Freak. Become a follower of Christ. Become a Christan.

     Did you know every night I pray for you? I truly do. And I need to more often. People always say, people who are not Christans look at Christans and say, "There is something different about them." But do they? If you don't ever talk about God, how will they know? If you act the same as them, they won't! Pray to God asking to help you do something so that they really will say, "There is something different about them.". Don't try to take it into your own hands.
