Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve is here. You know the time...

It's the most frustrating time of the year!

Childern are whining, presents need buying, and relatives are here!

It's the most frustrating time of the year!

   Sound familiar? Through all the hubbub of Christmas Eve, and on Christmas, we seem to forget why we even celebrate. And it's not so kids can open presents and we can gain 5 pounds. It's because our Savior was born, He came to rescue us in the form of an infant.

   I think Christmas Eve must have been some night for Mary and Joseph. First of all, Mary must have been tired and irritable (She was human, we seem to forget that) yet excited and filled with awe. Christmas Eve in my opinion was an exciting, but restless, tiring night.

   The Christmas Eve the sermon really spoke to me. It was all about that background inn keeper who had no room. We talked about how maybe he was scared, maybe he was busy, or maybe he didn't like their story. It's kind of like us, are we too busy this Christmas to except the true meaning? Are we scared about giving up our time and such for Him this year? Do we like this crazy story enough to give up part of ourselves?

I challenge you to stop having a commercial, "Augustus" Christmas, and not have any room for the Lord. Open your heart and you will have the best Christmas present ever. Ever.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thoughts About God....and what I have learned

I've learned that God comes softly....

I've learned that he isn't going to just speak directly to you and tell you He is God.....most of the time

I've learned that he has a bigger plan.....

I've  learned that he is always watching....

I've learned that he isn't always going to physiclly proctect you...he'll do more

I've learned that he is hurting even more than you are hurting about your problem

I've learned that he is creative......

I've learned that I can never learn enough.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


   Leave it to God...He has his ways. For instance, I wasn't going to write on here anymore. Once I saw all the people who look on here (who cares if it was once only?) I've decided to write on here again. Don't expect me to often. Why did I just put that? Who knows, maybe I'll write on here everyday. I'll just leave it to God. There is a blog that I do write on though:

 I just want to thank you. Sorry if that sounds cheesy, but it's true. For just looking on here...that makes my day.

P.S. If you have a prayer request, send me it. It's true I'm not of high class, but God receives prayer the same way. From anybody. If you feel like praying for it.